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Entry 15 Exercising activities


Activity 4.3: Exercising activities

1) Write the sentences in the past simple.

 1.-The giraffe is very small. The giraffe was very small.

2.-My cats aren’t Chinese. My cats weren’t Chinese.

3.-Yolanda isn’t your best friend. Yolanda wasn’t your best friend.

4.-Julian and his sister are very intelligent. Julian and his sister were very intelligent.

5.-The trees are very high. The trees were very high.

6.-My English teacher isn’t Scottish. My English teacher wasn’t Scottish.

7.-Diana’s parents are on holiday in Belgium. Diana’s parents were on holiday in Belgium.

8.-Those documentaries aren’t interesting. Those documentaries weren’t interesting.


2) Complete the sentences with past simple.

 1.-Lorena was…… (be) the best in her class.

2.-Kevin …wasn’t…(not be) very friendly.

3.- Her friends …were. (be) really funny.

4.-The movie …wasn’t… (not be) very long.

5.-My watch was………. (be) fashionable.

6.-Her toys …were. (not be) modern at all.

7.-My kite …was…… (be) from China.

8.-Miriam …was…… ( be) my first love at school.

3) Complete the sentences with past tense : was/were/wasn’t/weren’t.

 1.- Where was… your mother yesterday?

 I think she …was…… at the cinema with friends.

2.- What time …was…… the football match last night?

 I think it …was…. At 8.00pm

3.- Who ……was….. with you last Saturday at the disco?

4.-I liked the girls who …were…… at the party.

5.-My girlfriend …was…… at the school. She was…. Ill.

6.-The meeting …was……. At Hyde Park corner.

7.-All the students …were……… very kind with me.

8.- Dorothy …was……. In love with Stephen.


4) Write the questions for the answers

 1. How old was Martha?

Martha was fifteen years old.

2.- Was the teacher Italian?

No, The teacher wasn’t Italian.

3.- Was Lorenzo in the hospital?

Yes, Lorenzo was in hospital.

4.- Where were the girls?

The girls were in the garden

5.- Was her husband a doctor?

Yes, her husband was a doctor


1. Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns:

 1. Peter and Paul (…they……) study French and German.

2. The cat (…it………) is in the garden.

3. Do Mandy and you (…you………) like golf?

4. Does your sister (…she………) sing well?

5. Dr Swam (…he………) visits his patients in the morning.

6. Do the students (…they………) do the homework?

7. You and I (…we………) live in Spain.

8. Do Sam and Paula (…they………) meet after school?

9. My mum (…she………) cooks really well.

10. The supermarket (…it……) closes at midday.

11. The books (…they………) are on the table.

12. When do you and Sally (…you………) play chess this week?

2. Substitute the underlined words with object pronouns:

 1. Tom comes to the cinema with Paul and I (……me………).

2. Do you play with your children (…them…………) after dinner?

3. Pam takes her dog (…him………) for walks in the morning.

4. Does Sue study with her brother (…him………)?

5. Mr Postman delivers our letters (…us………).

6. I usually meet Pam (…her………) on Friday afternoon.

7. Tom goes to school with his friends (them………).

8. Does mom feed the baby (…her………)?

9. Can you pass the newspapers (them…) to I (…me………), please?

10. Do you eat apples (…them………), Tom?

11. Mary send e-mails (…them…………) to her boyfriend (…him………).

12. James is with his grandmother (…her………).

3. Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks:

 1. she… is in class with …us……

Her/ us She/we She/us

2. Does …he……… use a laptop at home?

He it him

3. These are my mum’s friends. she… usually goes out with …them………….

She/ they Her/them She/them

4. Do …you……… eat pasta? No, I don’t like …eat…

we/it you/it you/her

5. We don’t talk to Sam. We’re angry with …him……

he him his

6. Can you pass …me…… the sugar, Terry?

you I me

7. “When do you do homework?” “I do …it…… after school.”

them it he

8. Give to …me…, please.


I/it it/I it/me

4. Correct the sentences if they’re wrong:

 1. My friend Sue is fantastic. I love she.

     My friend Sue is fantastic. I love her.

2. Do you play tennis with they?

Do you play tennis with them?

3. My brother hates hamburgers. She never eats it.

    My brother hates hamburgers. He never eats them.

4. Do you come with Sue and I?

… Do you come with Sue and me?

5. The boys don’t play with her because her is very unfriendly.

   The boys don’t play with her because she is very unfriendly.

6. Does him like cooking? Yes, he does.

Does he like cooking? Yes, he does.

7. Sarah never listens to him sister.

Sarah never listens to her sister.

8. Paul and Mary don’t invite we to parties.

   Paul and Mary don’t invite us to parties.


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