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Entry 19 Exercising yourself. (Prepositions in, on and at)


Activity 5.3: Exercising yourself. (Prepositions in, on and at)

Complete each sentence with `at', `in' or `on' plus one of the


1492 25 December January Monday morning

New Year's Eve Sundays 2009 ancient times

night the 1950s the moment the same tim

1. The pop star Michael Jackson died in 2009.

2. Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th.

3. I don't like driving at night because it's very dark.

4. _In ancient times, people believed in many gods.

5. Rock and roll music became popular in the 1950s.

6. I'm really busy at the moment. Can you call me back later?

7. Are you going to see the fireworks display on New Year's Eve?

8. Jack arrived late for work on Monday.

9. In Europe and the United States, most people do not work on weekends.

10. I regularly go skiing in the winter because it snows a lot.

11. Columbus `discovered' America   in 1492.

12. If everybody speaks at once, we’ll never understand each other.












Complete the telephone conversation with `at', `in', `on' where

necessary. If no preposition is needed, leave a space (`-').


Alice: Hi Simon, it's Alice. Are you free _   this evening?

Simon: No, I'm afraid I'm busy.

Alice: That's a pity. Are you doing anything on the weekend?

Simon: Well, on Saturday, I'm meeting old friend. We played football together

_________ last year. But I'm free on Sunday.

Alice: Great. How would you like to go to the cinema to see the new James Bond


Simon: Sounds good. What time are they showing the film?

Alice: The film starts at 8 o'clock. But we should try to get there a little early.


cinema gets pretty busy in the evening.

Simon: What's the film like?

Alice: I've heard it's the best Bond film ever.

Simon: We'll see. I prefer the ones that came out the 1960s and 70s.

Alice: I'm sure you'll enjoy it! So, shall we meet at around 7.30?

Simon: Sounds good. We should do this more often in the future.

Alice: Yes, we should. There will be a few more interesting films _________ next

weekend too.

Simon: Great! So, see you on Sunday evening






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