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Entry 28 Reflexing on the course

  Activity 5: Reflexing on the course 1. What did you learn the most in the course? During the introductory English course, I primarily learned the basics of the English language. This included basic grammar, essential vocabulary, and everyday conversational skills. I also learned to comprehend and use simple sentence structures in English, which allowed me to communicate in common situations. 2. Which were the most highlighted difficulties you had in the course? The most notable difficulties I faced in the course included pronunciation and listening comprehension. Adapting to the sounds and accents of English was a challenge, and I initially found it hard to understand fast-paced conversations in the language. Additionally, memorizing new vocabulary and grammar rules proved to be a challenge, but with consistent practice, I was able to overcome these difficulties. 3. What is your opinion about the process and your experience throughout the course? Overall, my experience in the intro
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Entry 25 Descriptive paragraphs (use of going to for future plans)

  Activity 6.5: Descriptive paragraphs (use of going to for future plans)   In two weeks, I'm going to start a new job at a technology company. I'm excited about this opportunity because it will allow me to apply my software development skills in an innovative environment. Over the next six months, I intend to work on challenging projects and learn as much as I can. I also plan to attend training courses to enhance my technical skills. In the coming year, I hope that my career at this company takes off, and I can make a significant contribution to its success. In the future, I aspire to lead development teams and work on even more exciting projects.

Entry 24 Descriptive paragraphs on your skills

  Activity 6.4: Descriptive paragraphs on your skills Descriptive paragraphs on your skills I work in a dental laboratory, and thanks to my experience, I can perform various tasks with skill. For example, I can take dental impressions accurately and manufacture high-quality dental prosthetics. However, there are certain tasks in which I am not as proficient. I can't perform dental procedures directly because my role is centered in the laboratory. Additionally, I can't diagnose dental issues or carry out treatments, as this falls within the purview of dentists. In summary, I can play a crucial role in the manufacturing of dental devices, but I can't perform clinical procedures or make diagnoses.

Entry 23 Exercising yourself.

  Activity 6.3: Exercising yourself . Write the sentences in negative.           1. We are not carrying buckets.            2. The dog is not running after the cat.            3. He is not taking out a book.   Fill in the correct verb forms.          1. Tom is cleaning the shop.         2. George is wearing a pullover today.         3. We are making sandwiches.   Which answers are correct? 1. Which verb forms go with the Present Progressive?         am + infinitive + -ing ✅         are + infinitive + -ing ✅         is + infinitive + -ing ✅         infinitive + -ed         infinitive + -ing         infinitive + -s         to be + infinitive + -ing ✅ 2. Which of the following words are used with the Present Progressive (signal words)?               always               at the moment ✅               Listen! ✅              Look! ✅              Now ✅               Often              Yesterday         3. Which verb forms are correct

Entry 22 Debate Forum on conjunctions.

  Activity 6.2:  Debate Forum on conjunctions. 1.¿ Why should we use conjunctions when writing? We should use conjunctions when writing for several reasons: 2. Coherence:  Conjunctions help connect ideas and sentences, making the text flow more smoothly and coherently. They provide a logical link between different parts of a sentence or between sentences themselves. 3. Complexity:  Conjunctions allow us to create more complex and nuanced sentences. They enable us to express relationships between ideas, such as cause and effect, contrast, similarity, and more. 4. Variety:  Using a variety of conjunctions adds richness and diversity to our writing. Instead of repeating the same sentence structure, we can use different conjunctions to convey different meanings or emphasize different aspects of our writing. 5. Clarity:  Conjunctions can clarify relationships between ideas, making it easier for readers to understand our writing. They indicate whether two ideas are in agreement, co